
The Father Heart of God

Our topic this week was the father heart of God. Our speaker was Jeff Pratt a YWAM base leader in Connecticut. He shared many heart wrenching stories with us about fathers and their compassionate love for their children. Lots of tears were shed..
Jeff's main point that he wanted us to understand was how much the Father cares about us. No matter what we do, no matter how far we run, "nothing can separate us from the love of God." At first all of his stories were very touching but I was having a hard time relating it to God because He is not a tangible being. All the stories were touching but I needed a personal revelation. Then as I prayed for God to reveal His love for me, and I couldn't feel anything. It was frustrating but I knew He would speak to me if I didnt give up. It wasn't until this morning that God truly impressed upon my heart how pleased He was that I wanted to know Him and he began to tell me how precious I am to Him and how I am his little princess. And the great thing is that we are all princes and princesses to God. We mean the world to Him. He wants us to be just as passionately in love with him as He is with us.

He also addressed how God's heart broke when He allowed His son to be crucified. Im sure that the pain was so much that He had to turn away. So how could God do this to Jesus if He love us so much? Because he knew the outcome of this pain was life for all those who were His children. So why does God allow such things to happen to us? He loves us doesn't He?? What good can come out of a loved one dying? What good can come out of disease and poverty? God's heart is broken for His children that are in pain. He doesn't desire for these bad things to happen to teach us lessons, although lessons can be learned, but sin has so corrupted this world, but God has given this world to satan until He returns. God has the victory but he wants us as christians to grow in faith from these trials and tribulations. He wants us to pray and interceed for others.He wants us to take our talents and giftings into all the world and heal and teach and restore. How much is one soul worth to you??
We need to be focused on what we can do for God not what He can do for us.
He loved us so much and now its our chance to show our gratitude.

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